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Jason started his career with a Bachelor of Science degree from Arizona State University in 2001 working in the field of fundamental reactions in inorganic chemistry. He then earned a Ph.D. in 2007 from the University of Washington working under Professor Bart Kahr investigating the optical properties of oriented chromophores within technologically important materials. In 2008, Jason began his post-doctoral studies at the University at Buffalo under the guidance of Professor Philip Coppens that involved time-resolved X-ray diffraction and the synthesis of novel polyoxotitanate clusters for solar energy applications. Jason began his independent career at the University at Buffalo in 2011 where his research seeks to develop advanced in situ X-ray diffraction techniques to achieve a molecular level understanding of the physical processes that occur in stimuli-responsive nanoporous materials with the ultimate goal of being able to create ‘by design’ crystalline materials with tailor-made properties.



Photoswitchable Crystals

By integrating photoswitches into metal-organic frameworks and co-crystals, we aim to produce materials with properties that can be controlled by an external light stimulus.

2008 - 2011

University at Buffalo

Postdoctoral Associate/Assistant Resarch Professor

Advisor: Prof. Philip Coppens (deceased 2017)

Co-crystal screening

We are developing methods to quickly screen solid-state reactions between photoactive molecules and coformers to assess if co-crystals are formed and if so, the degree to which the co-crystal exhibits photoactivity.

Dynamic in situ X-ray Diffraction (DIX)

Many crystals exhibit exciting time-dependent phenomenon, e.g. photoswitching, guest exchange. By monitoring these transformations in situ as they proceed using X-ray diffraction, we are able to track the locations of atoms in the lattice during the course of the reaction leading to greater insight about the reaction pathway.

2001 - 2007

University of Washington

Ph.D. Chemistry

Advisor: Prof. Bart Kahr (now NYU)

1996 - 2001

Arizona State University

B.S. Chemistry

Research with Prof. Ty Caudle

Benedict Research Labs

Department of Chemistry

University at Buffalo

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